Join us this Sunday at 10 am as Jeremy continues this new series! You won't want to miss this one.
Hey there! Thank you for stopping by our website. If you are searching for a good church in the Reynoldsburg area, we know we are the place for you. If you have never been to Rolen Road Church of Christ before, come by this Sunday! We would love to get to know you. We want to see lives changed here by the power of Jesus Christ, and we see that happen every week when someone steps through our doors. We look forward to meeting you! God bless.
- Jeremy
Are you looking for a church in Reynoldsburg that teaches the Bible in a way you can understand?
Messages that aren't boring, have intersting stories and use humor?
Messages that you can actually take and use in your life this week?
This is Jeremy's goal every time he puts together a sermon.
Click below for Recent Messages!
Living For King Jesus: Know Your Identity | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
🧔🏾👉🏾🧔🏽 Have you ever had a case of mistaken identity? Either someone mistook you for someone else, or you mistook someone for another person? In modern-day Christianity, there is a case of Mistaken Identity. People misunderstand what it means to be a Christian.
Join us this Sunday to see if you have misunderstood what it means to be a Christian, and how you can better live for King Jesus!
⏰ 10 am
📍 142 Rolen Rd. SW Reynoldsburg
#knowyouridentity #IdentityInChrist #identityinchrist #FollowingJesus #followingjesus #livingforJesus #livingforjesus #ChurchOfChrist #reynoldsburgohio #columbusohio #churchnearme
Can't See Your Nose In Front of Your Face | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
Have you ever missed something – even when it was right in front of you?
Maybe someone was making a point, and you totally missed the point.
Maybe you were looking for a person, but like a game of “Where’s Waldo,” you just couldn’t find them.
The religious leaders of the 1st century had all the clues about the Messiah, and even tho Jesus fit them perfectly, they still didn’t recognize Him.
People still miss Jesus today. Even those who believe in Jesus can miss the work of God in their lives!
We can believe but live in such a way that shows we don’t really have faith in God.
Join us as we study John 7 and learn about ways we miss the work of God right in front of us.
10 am Sunday
142 Rolen Rd. SW Reynoldsburg
#SonOfGod #sonofgod #JesusMessiah #jesusmessiah #SeekingGod #seekinggod #SeekingJesus #seekingjesus #ChurchOfChrist #reynoldsburg #churchinreynoldsburg
Jesus: Bringer of Life | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
Do you feel like something is missing in your life? Do you keep trying all the things the world says should make you happy, but you're still empty?
Maybe you've even tried different religions, but you still feel like you're starving spiritually?
Jesus is the one who can fill our souls.
Jesus is the Bringer of Life.
Give Jesus a chance! Not just believing in Jesus, but living for Jesus.
He can change your life!
Join us Sunday at Rolen Road Church of Christ!
10 am Sunday
142 Rolen Rd. SW Reynoldsburg
#findmeaning #findpurpose #ChurchOfChrist #reynoldsburgohio #holeinmysoul #spiritualsearch #seeker #spiritualseeker #spiritualhunger #searchingformeaning #searchingformeaning
I Resolve To Grow Spiritually Part 2 | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
Did you ever make marks on the wall to show someone getting taller?
What about spiritually? Have you grown spiritually lately?
How would you know? What marks could you use to see if you have grown in your Christian faith?
When we grow physically, it’s pretty obvious.
But spiritual growth is not as obvious.
If you have felt stuck spiritually, and you are looking for ways to grow, The message This Sunday will show you ways to grow!
Or maybe you have been growing and just haven’t noticed,
And this message will help you say, “Wow, I HAVE been growing spiritually!” And either way, this will inspire you to shoot for new marks in your spiritual growth!
#spiritualgrowth #GrowthGoals #resolutions2025 #spiritualgrowth #GrowthGoals #growthgoals #Resolutions2025 #resolutions2025 #churchonsunday #nondenominationalchurch
I Resolve To Grow Spiritually | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
Do you feel like your relationship with God has grown stagnant? Like you have hit a plateau?
Or maybe you have just been looking for some new ways to grow...
Are you a new Christian and you wonder what you are supposed to do next?
Get ready, because we are about to talk about several different ways to grow this Sunday - all of them super practical, all of them can be done by anybody.
So many people feel unequipped to live the Christian life.
It's time to take things to the next level!
Out of all the New Years Resolutions you can make, the resolve to grow spiritually is by far the most important.
Show up Sunday ready to go and ready to grow!
10 am Sunday
142 Rolen Rd. SW Reynoldsburg
#PersonalGrowth #personalgrowth #spiritualgrowth #GrowthGoals #growthgoals #Resolutions2025 #resolutions2025 #gotochurch
Jesus: Hope of the World | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
How is Biblical hope different? It is having a confident faith in the future.
Please join Pastor Mike and learn how hope is fulfilled in the Bible.
Please join us this Sunday
⏰ 10 am Sunday
📍 142 Rolen Rd. SW Reynoldsburg
#NameAboveAllNames,#JesusIsLordAndSavior,#jesuslovesyou, #churchonsunday #ChurchOfChrist #churchofchrist #reynoldsburgohio
The Name Above All Names | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
The Name Above All Names
Wonderful Counselor
*Wonderful Speaks of God’s Ability to Meet your Needs
*Counselor Speaks of God Directing Your Life
Mighty Everlasting Father
*Mighty Speaks of God’s Ability to Give
You Victory
*Everlasting Father speaks of God’s
Endless Love
Prince of Peace-
*Prince of Peace speaks of God’s Vision of
We invite you to join us in person next Sunday!
Impact Church Reynoldsburg
142 Rolen Road, SW
Reynoldsburg Ohio 43068
Service time 10am
See You Sunday!
A Childlike Christmas | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
Has your excitement for God faded?
Did you once have a strong relationship with God, but you have felt distant lately?
Would you like to have that child-like excitement for God back?
Would you like to experience that excitement for the 1st time?
Let the story of Christmas give you a renewed energy – a fresh wind, a fresh fire for God
Join us This Sunday In Person!
10 am
142 Rolen Rd. SW Reynoldsburg
#FreshFire #freshfire #FreshWind #freshwind #CelebrateChristmas #celebratechristmas #ChristmasMessage #christmasmessage #churchonsunday #NonDenominationalChurch #nondenominationalchurch #reynoldsburgohio #churchinreynoldsburg
A Different Kind of Christmas: Christmas is Messy | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
🎄🙃❄ Do you relate to the idea that Christmas is Messy? Do you wish you could actually experience peace during the Christmas season? Are difficult family relationships killing your Christmas spirit? Do you have doubts that Jesus can really help a person like you? This Sunday, we begin a New Series called "A Different Kind of Christmas." People love to imagine this sanitized version of the Christmas story - that everything was perfect. But the real Christmas story was far from perfect! If situations were difficult for Joseph, Mary, and Jesus, Christmas can be difficult for us, too. We're going to look at the 1st Christmas, but we're going to point out some different parts of the story that you may not have heard before. Hopefully, this series will give you new perspective on Jesus and a new hope for your life!
⏰ 10 am Sunday
📍 142 Rolen Rd. SW Reynoldsburg
#christmasseries #newperspective #ADifferentChristmas #adifferentchristmas #lifeismessy #churchonsunday #ChurchOfChrist #churchofchrist #reynoldsburgohio
Jesus: Magician or Miracle Worker? | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
Did Jesus really do miracles, or was He just a really good illusionist?
Jesus did a lot of miraculous things, but is there any evidence besides the Bible that backs this up?
Were these astounding healings and walking on water real,
or was it just a magic trick done by an illusionist?
If Jesus really did miracles, does that give any credibility to Jesus' claims when He claimed to be the Son of God?
Listen to the message This Sunday and decide for yourself.
Consider the evidence with an open mind, and see where it leads.
10 am Sunday
142 Rolen Rd. SW Reynoldsburg
#SonOfGod #jesuschrist #knowJesus #knowjesus #miracleworker #ChurchOfChrist #churchofchrist #reynoldsburgohio #churchnearme
Jesus: A Loving and Compassionate Shepherd | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
Have you had something bad happen that you felt was unfair?
Have you wondered why God allows certain things to happen?
Did those bad events cause you to doubt God's goodness?
How would we know that we can in fact trust God's character?
As we have been saying for the past few weeks,
If you want to know what God is like, look at Jesus,
And when we look at Jesus, we see someone who truly cared about people at a deep level. He had compassion on people who were suffering, and He did something about it.
Join us as we look at how two sisters - Mary and Martha - suffer a devastating loss. But through this incident, we see the heart of Jesus.
10 am Sunday
142 Rolen Rd. SW Reynoldsburg
#givemejesus #RelationshipNotReligion #relationshipnotreligion #LoveJesus #lovejesus #lovejesuschrist #discoverGod #discoverGod #ChurchOfChrist #churchofchrist #churchonsunday #reynoldsburgohio #churchofchristinreynoldsburg
Jesus: The KIND OF SHEPHERD I WANT TO FOLLOW | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
🤝🏽👱♂️Jesus had a huge heart for people! One of the ways you see the heart Jesus is through His leadership. When you look at Jesus' leadership, you see a Shepherd who takes good care of the people He leads. He actually cares about people and knows them by name. He keeps watch over His people and makes sure everyone is OK.
The more you see Jesus' heart for people, the more you want to follow Him.
If you don't already know Jesus, we think seeing this picture of Jesus as Good Shepherd will make you want to follow Him more!
If you do know Jesus, this will get you to appreciate the type of person Jesus is - all over again.
Join us This Sunday to see why Jesus is a Good Shepherd worth following.
10 am Sunday
142 Rolen Rd. SW Reynoldsburg
#LoveJesus #lovejesus #lovejesuschrist #GetToKnowJesus #gettoknowjesus #churchonsunday #churchonsundays #WhoIsJesus #whoisjesus #ChurchOfChrist #churchinreynoldsburg #reynoldsburgohio
How Can We Love The Outcasts Like Jesus | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
Do you tend to include others into your group or do you exclude? When you come across someone who is "different" from you, how do you react?
With fear? with hesitation? Do you just plain ignore?
Or are you pretty good at meeting people where they are?
As believers, we are called to be like Jesus.
Jesus consistently reached out to those in society that typically got overlooked, excluded, or ignored.
How can be we more like Jesus in this area?
Join us This Sunday as we step up to the challenge of loving the outcasts like Jesus did!
10 am Sunday
142 Rolen Rd. SW Reynoldsburg
#GetToKnowJesus #gettoknowjesus #LoveLikeJesus #lovelikejesus #churchonsunday #churchonsundays #reynoldsburgohio #ChurchOfChrist #lovejesuschrist #LoveJesus #ChurchesOfChrist
Jesus Loved the Outcasts | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
Does God care about the outcasts of society?
Does Jesus care if we go through life unfulfilled? How do we find true satisfaction?
Can people with a bad past have a second chance with God – no matter how many mistakes we have made?
Does God offer the chance at salvation to all races and genders equally? Or does He show favoritism?
Today we are going to read about an interaction that Jesus had with a woman,
And that conversation is going to reveal 1) the heart of God and 2) what He is like.
Join us This Sunday to Get to Know and Love Jesus even more!
10 am Sunday
142 Rolen Rd. SW Reynoldsburg
#GetToKnowJesus #gettoknowjesus #gotochurch #ChurchOnSundays #churchonsunday #churchonsundays #reynoldsburg #churchonline #ChurchOfChrist #LoveJesus #lovejesuschrist
Jesus: Defender of the Weak | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
When someone stands up to a bully, do you respect that?
What about when someone is willing to die to protect someone else?
What if we told you that Jesus loves you and would die for you BEFORE you have even done anything for Him?
We continue our series on "Get to Know and Love Jesus,"
And This Sunday, we will make the case that you will love Jesus because He consistently showed He is a Defender and a Protector.
We hope that through this Message, you will come to know and love Jesus as we have.
Join us This Sunday!
10:00 am Sunday
142 Rolen Rd. SW Reynoldsburg
#jesusismyprotector #GetToKnowJesus #gettoknowjesus #lovejesuschrist #LoveJesus #lovejesus #ChurchOfChrist #ChurchOnSundays #churchonsundays #gotochurch
Get To Know and Love Jesus...A Series In The Book of John | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
Have you ever wondered any of these questions about God? Is there a God? If so, what is He like? How would we know that God is real? Is there good reason for believing in God? And what about Jesus? How does He fit into this discussion? This Sunday, we start a New Series: Get to Know and Love Jesus. Here's what we believe: there IS a God, and if you want to know what God is like ...Look at Jesus. And when you look at Jesus, you're going to LOVE what you see! Whether you are not yet a believer and want to get to know Jesus, or you are a long-time believer and want to get to know Jesus on a deeper level, you are welcome at our church This Sunday!
Do You Wish God Would Guide You? | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
Do you ever feel lost and wish God would guide you?
Life is full of difficult decisions that have to be made day after day.
Sometimes, we make the wrong decision, and we are filled with regret.
What if we told you you don't have to feel lost and overwhelmed?
What if we told you that there is someone who is not only WILLING but DESIRES to give us guidance and direction?
God longs to be the guide of our life.
Join us This Sunday as we learn how to get guidance from God.
10:00 am
142 Rolen Rd. SW Reynoldsburg
#GodsGuidance #godsguidance #TheLordIsMyShepherd #thelordismyshepherd #LifeDecisions #lifedecisions #reynoldsburgohio #nondenominationalchurch
Discovering Our Purpose Leads To Fulfillment | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
🤷♀️😕❓ Do you feel like something is missing in life? Are you feeling unfulfilled? Maybe it's because you haven't discovered your purpose. Maybe you have been going to church for years, and you still feel unfulfilled... When you discover your purpose, you come alive! You have a feeling of satisfaction. Join us at Impact This Sunday for an inspiring message! Discover your purpose in life and start feeling fulfillment. ⏰ 10:00 am 📍 142 Rolen Rd. SW Reynoldsburg #DiscoverYourPurpose #discoveryourpurpose #somethingsmissing #unfulfilled #findfulfillment #MadeForMore #madeformore #nondenominationalchurch #independentchristianchurch #reynoldsburgohio
Recognize Satan's Role Part 2 | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
Do you ever feel powerless against the devil?
Is the devil having his way with you?
• Making you discouraged?
• Falling for his temptations?
• Getting you to doubt yourself, doubt others, doubt God’s abilities?
• Getting you to settle for a sub-par life?
If you feel like the devil is keeping you from living the abundant life, Join us This Sunday, and learn how to combat the devil’s tactics.
10:00 am
142 Rolen Rd. SW Reynoldsburg
#extraordinarylife #christianchurch #nottodaydevil #abundantlife #ExtraordinaryLife #Knowyourenemy #KnowPeace #knowpeace #knowyourenemy #extraordinarylife #abundantlife #notodaydevil #christianchurch #reynoldsburgohio
Recognize Satan's Role | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
Have you been through some really difficult things in your life?
Have these situations caused you to question God’s goodness, question other peoples’ motives, or even doubt yourself?
Jesus came to give us abundant life. Why don’t we feel like we’re living an abundant life?
One reason – there is an enemy that does everything in his power to steal our joy.
You need to recognize the devil’s role in our lives.
If you don’t, you will misunderstand a lot of what’s going on.
Join us This Sunday as we study the different ways the devil steals our joy, the ways he causes us to misunderstand God and others, and how we can counter his attacks.
10 am
142 Rolen Rd. SW Reynoldsburg
#ExtraordinaryLife #extraordinarylife #abundantlife #nottodaydevil #Knowyourenemy #knowyourenemy #KnowPeace #knowpeace #havejoy #churchofchrist #reynoldsburgohio
Wired for Connection | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
Have you taken on the attitude that you don’t need anyone else in life?
Or that you only need 1 other person – a spouse – to be happy?
How many of you – if you are honest with yourself – used to enjoy life a lot more?
Now you look back and you think, Man, I don’t have fun like I used to?
Or maybe you’ve convinced yourself that your quality of life is fine,
but deep down – you know something is missing…
There IS more to be had in life, but you have to follow God’s design.
And God hard-wired us for community.
Join us This Sunday to learn more about God's design and our need for other people in our life.
Find the fulfillment and joy you were meant to have!
Re-prioritize your life and find peace | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
Do you ever feel like life is flying by you really fast?
Do you feel like you are over-booked, over-worked, and over-stressed?
Romans 14 describes what our Christian life SHOULD BE like:
Romans 14:7 – “For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”
So, do you feel like you are living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit?
If your life feels chaotic and the opposite of peace and joy,
It’s time to re-prioritize your life.
Join us to learn how to re-prioritize the activities of your life so that you can finally experience the peace and joy you were meant to have.
10 am
142 Rolen Rd. SW Reynoldsburg
#busylife #overwhelmed #stressedout #needpeace #reprioritize #reprioritizeyourlife #churchinreynoldsburg #churchonline
Find Fulfillment by Learning to Walk Closely with God | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
Do you wish you could feel a stronger sense of God’s leading, God’s teaching, God’s presence in your life?
Have you felt your closeness with God fade?
Do you wonder what you could do to get that “closer to God” feeling back?
Many people are searching for fulfillment, but many are searching in the wrong places.
Fulfillment on a daily basis is found in through learning to walk closely with God.
#timeforchange #ExtraordinaryLife #extraordinarylife #BeyondTheNorm #beyondthenorm #lookingformore #ChurchOfChrist #churchinreynoldsburg #churchonline
Living the Extraoridinary Life | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
Do you feel like something is seriously missing in your life? That there's got to be more than what you are experiencing?
If you are a Christian, did you initially have a cloud nine experience when you became a Christian, but that feeling quickly faded?
What happened? You think to yourself: " Was I given a false picture that things would be better if I became a Christian? Was there something more I was supposed to do? Did I miss part of the instructions? Whatever it is, I definitely don't feel the peace and joy that I expected..."
If you have thought these thoughts, you are not the only one.
Jesus DID say that He came to give us an extraordinary life.
The problem is, there are many factors why you may not be experiencing a better life.
Over the next few weeks, we will be exploring these factors and how to overcome them.
God does want MORE for you, but YOU have to take hold of it.
How badly do you want more for yourself, and what are you willing to do to get it?
The first thing to do is Join us at 10:00 am to learn how to Live the Extraordinary Life!
📈🌱🌳How to Grow in Christian Maturity Part 2 | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
📈🌱🌳 How can you tell if you have matured in your faith? Do you find yourself evaluating churches through a consumer mindset? What are your expectations when you go to church? Do you go to church looking for what you can get or what you can give? We all start off somewhere in our faith. Thankfully, Jesus meets us where we are! But He loves us too much to leave us there. As we grow, our mindset and attitude towards church should mature as our understanding of the Bible grows..
📈🌱🌳How to Grow in Christian Maturity| Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
📈🌱🌳 What are the signs of Christian maturity? Here are some areas to determine if you are maturing in your Christian faith: - Your attitude - Your interactions with other Christians - Your reactions when others offend you - Your thought process in church decisions If your goal is to become more mature and more like Jesus.
✊💪 Handling the Heat of Temptation | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
Key Passage #1 Genesis 39:8-10 But he refused. “With me in charge,” he told her, “my master does not concern himself with anything in the house; everything he owns he has entrusted to my care. No one is greater in this house than I am. My master has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?” And though she spoke to Joseph day after day, he refused to go to bed with her or even be with her. Key Passage #2 - Genesis 50:18-21 His brothers then came and threw themselves down before him. “We are your slaves,” they said. But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.” And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them.
😧😓👤 You are not alone|Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
😧😓👤 Have you ever felt like you’re all alone? Are you going through a difficult time right now? When you go through difficult things, have you thought, “I’m the only one who goes through things like this?” You feel like you have no one to help you? This Sunday, we’re going to look at a true story of a person who felt like he was all alone. And God shows up to let him know: You are not alone. Let this story encourage you in your life.
✊💪 A Church Committed to Victory| Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
What does it take to experience Victory in a church? Are we unified on the vision to impact our community? Do we believe we can make an impact? Are we determined to fulfill this vision no matter what? When you have the right ingredients, powerful things can happen as the people of the church experience victory!
✊💪 Becoming a Church That Empowers Others | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
Do you want a church to empower you and train you to do things for yourself? A church that will give you a chance to grow into your potential? Rather than being a church that only allows certain people to be in important positions, rather than being a church that micromanages, We want to be a church that empowers! We want to be the kind of church that gives many people a chance to discover their gifts and walk in the calling God has for them!
🤝🤗 The Power of Adding Value to Others | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church in Reynoldsburg Ohio
🤝🤗🙋♀️ Who has been helpful to you? Who has taught you something? Who has made you a better person? *Are YOU that person to others? · Are YOU helpful to others? · Have YOU taught someone else something? · Have YOU made someone else a better person? Why should people listen to you? Follow your lead? Take your suggestions? Why should people listen to you when you invite them to church or tell about Jesus? Because you Add Value to them.
🔥💪🤝The skill of Connecting| Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
🧔🤝👨🏿🦲Want to make more friends, get more raises/promotions at work, get more people to help you? Learn how to Connect with Other People. Have you ever wondered why some people are able to connect with people better? Maybe you even thought, “they must just naturally have that bubbly personality, bubbly, friendly, etc.” But what if we told you connecting with others is a skill anyone can learn? Join us This Sunday as we continue our series “Becoming a Person of Influence.” Learn how to become more influential by learning how to Connect with People on a Relational Level.
#connectingwithothers #buildrelationships #lifehacks #peopleskills #churchonline #nondenominationalchurch #reynoldsburg
🔥💪🤝Becoming a Person of Influence | Rolen Road Church of Christ | Church of Christ in Reynoldsburg
🔥💪🤝 When you talk, do people listen? Do people care what you are saying? When you talk, do people listen? Do people care what you are saying? Do people follow your lead? If you suggest a certain movie or restaurant, do people take your suggestion or shrug you off? Have you ever wished people would do your ideas or follow your lead more? God’s desire is that we would be people of influence. He wants us to be the kind of people that would shape our world for the better. He wants us make an impact on the people around us. In order to do that, we need to learn how to be people of influence.
If you are searching for a good church, we know we are the place for you. Feel free to check out the "New Here" page linked below where you can find the answers to all your questions. If you have never been to our church before, come by this Sunday! We would love to get to know you.
God bless.